Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Eyes Are Fully Open

Well, after a long and undeserved hiatus, I come back with another blog for you!

I had a bit of an interesting experience last Friday. I went with some friends to a little get-together at a friend's house. All in all, I had a good time. However, suffice it to say, I partied a little too hard, and I ended up throwing up in this friend's backyard. Twice. Well, I felt absolutely terrible about it. I apologized, insisted I was an awful guest, and apologized some more. Everyone was very understanding about it, however, and in fact, they had encouraged me to throw up, insisting that I would feel better once I did.

The whole thing really surprised me, because the person who was the most upset by what I had done, the person who was most incensed by this breach of etiquette, was me. The one who had committed the breach. And afterward, it got me thinking.

Life is a curious thing. People are curious creatures. The group with whom I was spending time had lived their lives in such a way that throwing up was a relatively common occurrence. They had all experienced it several times themselves. The way their existence was created an environment that sharply contrasted with my own experience. I live in a world where that sort of thing is rare, and when that sort of thing does happen, it is closely scrutinized. And it made me feel incredibly grateful that while I learned my lesson the hard way, I didn't really alienate anyone in the process.

Life is a very curious thing.